Ten Tips to Help You Finish Writing Your
by: Ann Roscopf Allen
- Set aside a time to write and keep it sacred.
- Remove all distractions while you write.
- Outline your plot.
- Avoid the intimidation of a blank computer screen.
- Keep a draft mentality.
- Don't feel compelled to begin at the beginning.
- Organize your files, especially if you are not
going to write in order.
- Revise, revise, revise.
- Don't be afraid of putting yourself out there.
- Only you can determine when you are finished.
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Writing a Book
Seven Ways to Select a Book Topic
That Sells
by: Judy Cullins
Since a book title is the number one "Essential Hot-Selling
Point" for your book, it's a good idea to choose
one that sells well.
1.Write what you are passionate about. Write about a topic
that will still interest you in two years. Your book is
an extension of you, your talks, and your profession.
If you don't love your topic, you won't be successful.
One common mistake authors make is to put attention on
writing another book before there first one has been promoted.
2. Write down five topics that stir your passion. Ask
your inner author which one should you pay attention to
first. After choosing, gather and organize everything
you already know and want to know about that topic. If
you need more knowledge on a topic, research it. Read
other authors' books in your field, check out related
Web sites, and subscribe to newsletters. You become the
expert as you write.
3. Write a book your audience needs or wants. People want
their problems solved. Among fourteen other books, three
on memory and a speed-reading manual I wrote 15 years
ago have sold over 155,000 copies, and still sell today.
Business books sell well. People need writing, reading,
speaking, computing, communication, math, sales, marketing
and Internet skills. Nonfiction self-help or how to titles
sell best. When your nonfiction books sells well, you
can finance your novel.
4. Research your target market. Who is your preferred
audience? Who will read and buy your book? Who will pay
the $15-$35 price tag? How many possible buyers are there?
How does your book stack up to your competition? What
is your unique selling proposition? What benefits does
your book bring its readers? How many in your audience?
The targeted book Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul sold
three million copies more in one year than the original
Chicken Soup sold in three years. That tells you that
a book with an angle is a good idea.
Compare your book with other reputable, good sellers in
your field. What way is your book like theirs? What makes
your book unique from others? How is your book better?
If your book is the only one of its kind, it could be
more difficult to sell because mainstream buyers don't
know about it. Check out what category your book fits
in by visiting your local bookstore. Ask the bookseller
to help you. Turn to the back covers--look at the upper
left side to see the two or three categories usually listed
there. Which ones does your book fit under? Let your book
develop a new angle on the problem to be solved. A book
on breast-feeding sold far more copies when the author
aimed it at working mothers.
6. Survey your market. While some of us get our title
instantly and know that it is the right one, many of us
need help. Brainstorm with, and ask for feedback from,
friends and associates. Let them vote on the best of ten
titles and subtitles, chapter titles, back cover information.
While some get their title instantly and know it's the
right one, many of us need help. Knowing that your book
title is the top "Essential Hot Selling Point"
makes time spent on it worth it. When you use the synergy
of more brain power, you receive so many more ideas. Don't
be attached to your choices. Feedback helps build a better
7. Create a winning vision for your book. Know that your
book will be published. You can self-publish if you are
not famous. Before you finish the book, specifically name
the outcomes you will see, hear and feel. Place this winning
vision in color on a card. Put it near your workstation.
(Use today's date including the year) Now that my book
(title and subtitle) is finished and is a huge seller.
For example:
I see (smiling people at my talks buying it) or (hundreds
of orders from my Web site)
I hear (applause from multiple audiences affirming it)
I feel (exhilarated, confident and pleased that it's such
a hit)
Give attention to your book title. When it's good, it
can sell thousands more copies than a mediocre one.
About the Author
Judy Cullins, 20-year Book and Internet Marketing Coach
works with small business people who want to make a difference
in people's lives, build their credibility and clients,
and make a consistent life-long income. Judy is author
of 10 eBooks including Write your eBook or Other Short
Book Fast, Ten Non-Techie Ways to Market Your Book Online,
The Fast and Cheap Way to Explode Your Targeted Web Traffic,
and Power Writing for Web Sites That Sells. |